Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Audience research focus groups: blog task

I hope the audience research focus groups for our MEST2 film pitches have been useful - it's a brilliant opportunity to share good ideas and improve our productions. 

You now need to write up your own group's recording in a blog post - note this write-up is an INDIVIDUAL task. The blog post should include the following:
  • A brief introduction to what the focus group involved
  • A list of key quotes from the focus group recording (you don't need to identify who said each quote and using bullet points is fine)
  • What you learned from the discussion and how this will impact on your final product
  • A detailed breakdown of the target audience for your film now you have completed some audience research: gender, age, social class, education/employment, race/ethnicity, psychographics etc.
Your recordings will probably be on your phone and therefore on of you will have to upload and share the file with your group. If you used one of our sound recorders, you can easily capture the file using the USB attachment and share the file on the M: Media shared drive.

Your blog post for this aspect of your audience research needs to be AT LEAST 500 words - it may well be a lot longer and remember you will use bits of this later in your MEST2 evaluation (worth 25% of the overall marks).

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