Thursday, January 14, 2016

The British film industry: institutional context

To complete our introduction to the British film industry, we need a little more institutional background.

We will be using another Media Factsheet to finish our background research on this exam topic. Complete the following tasks on your blog:

Important note! Our Media Factsheet archive is now on the M: drive Media Shared:

M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets

1) Find Media Factsheet #100 on the British film industry. Save it to USB or email it to yourself so you have access to the Factsheet for homework.

2) Read the whole of Factsheet #100 British film industry

3) What is the 'cultural test' to see if a film counts as British?

4) Complete the task on the Factsheet, researching the films listed and finding out what they score on the cultural test: Sweeney, Attack The Block, The King's Speech, We Need To Talk About Kevin and Skyfall.

5) What is the main problem for the British film industry?

6) What are three of the strengths of the British film industry?

7) What are the two options for the future of the British film industry?

8) In your opinion, which of these two options would best safeguard the future of the British film industry?

You have a week to complete these tasks for homework as next week's lessons will be used to watch our case study film Ill Manors. Due: next Friday.

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