Monday, March 14, 2016

Mr Halsey ill - cover work Monday 14 March

Apologies - I've completely lost my voice so won't be in school on Monday.

The work is all on the blog - you need to aware of two key aspects:

1) Today you are starting your independent case study on British film. You have five films to choose from - watch each trailer today and have a look at details on IMDB before making your final decision. 

You then need to work through all the tasks on the blogpost. You have Easter to complete the case study so make sure you answer each point in sufficient depth - you need to know your chosen film (and its associated marketing and promotion) as well as you know Ill Manors. Your initial deadline for Friday is to have chosen your film and found out all the basic information about it, including the critical reception.

2) Make sure you attend the guest speaker from Facebook on Wednesday morning - all details here and a brilliant opportunity for Year 12 Media students.

I'll be on email today if you have any questions and will see you in the lecture theatre on Wednesday P2.


Mr Halsey

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