Thursday, September 29, 2016

Film Language: Sound videos and homework

This is always a great lesson - seeing your parallel and contrapuntal sound presentations

When they are done, you'll need to complete the following tasks on your blog:

Video feedback/learner response
  • Make sure your video is on YouTube and embedded on your blog. 
  • Type up your feedback and then reflect on your work. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the feedback I've given you.
  • Learner response: compare your video against your evaluation of the top three videos in the class. Who did you think was best and why? How could you have improved your own video?

Sound tasks

1) Complete the learner response tasks above in a separate blog post called 'Sound video learner response'.

2) Watch any of the sound clips in the Film Language booklet that we didn't get to in class and write answers to the questions to go with each clip on your blog. E.g. A Clockwork Orange, Once Upon A Time In The West, Once Upon A Time In America. The clips are all available on the Media Shared drive M: > Resources > A Level > Film Language.

3) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film:
  • Diegetic and non-diegetic sound
  • Parallel and contrapuntal sound
  • Sound bridges
Remember to discuss/analyse all the different types of sound present in the clip:
  • Music
  • Dialogue
  • Voiceover
  • Sound effects
You also need to highlight or put in bold any use of media language.

Complete for homework - due date confirmed by your Film Language teacher.

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