Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ms Fowler's class - homework

It's been a wonderful start to A Level Media – well done everyone!

Following on from yesterday’s lesson, please answer the below questions in a new post on your blog and publish it before next Monday. Any questions, please ask me in Wednesday’s lesson. 

1) What different forms of Media did you consume over the summer break? Give specific examples.

2) Define Print Media, Broadcast Media and e-Media. When do teenagers come into contact with print media, broadcast media and e-media on a daily basis? Which do they use most and why do you think this is?

3) What audience gratification do teenagers receive from using Apps such as Snapchat and Instagram? Why do you think they are so popular with their target audience? What gratifications do they offer?

4) Regarding the music industry, how has Media production and consumption changed over the last decade? (Think about the movement away from hard copies to streaming.) In your opinion, is this a positive shift? Justify your answer. 

5) Julia Kristeva argues that no text is an isolated entity: ‘Any text is the absorption and transformation of another.’ 

Think of our new Media language:

  • Intertextuality- when one media text reference another text. 
  • Synergy- when one media text promotes another text.
  • Convergence- Different types of Media platforms or technologies coming together.  

Use the below examples and explain HOW each one is an example of the term. 

INTERTEXTUALITY: In Disney’s Aladdin, the Genie character gets a crab caught on his finger. The crab is recognisable as Sebastian, a character from earlier Disney film, The Little Mermaid. Also consider the Scream franchise and the Scary Movie franchise. 

SYNERGY: Also Disney. When Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released last year, the marketing team released Star Wars merchandise in Wal-Mart stores and did a deal with YouTube and Google where the two companies modified their Apps and websites with pictures and colours associated with the film. 

CONVERGENCE: When Beyonce was starring in the films: The Pink Panther, Dreamgirls and Austin Powers, each time she released a music video with music from the film. 

Good luck!

Miss Fowler

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