Thursday, October 06, 2016

Institution Lessons - what to do next

Institution Lessons - feedback

We’ve seen some fantastic lessons – you now need to put that information on your blog.
1) Write up your feedback on your blog, dividing the points into WWW and EBI. Use my feedback, information from other class members who watched your lesson.
2) Upload your Powerpoint, notes and anything else from your lesson (videos, images etc.) on the same blog post.

3) Finally, write an evaluation of your lesson, reflecting on what went well and not so well. Be honest with yourself about how you did and what you would take away to work on next time. Was your presentation rehearsed? Was there too much information or not enough given to the students in the class? Was your starter engaging and informative or too simple? Was your questioning good? Did you check the learning with a plenary? Did you speak formally and in a register that is suitable for year 12? Did you use Media terminology accurately and often?

Good luck! :)

Miss Fowler

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