Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MEST2 Coursework brief

Now your preliminary exercises are complete, we need to start our actual MEST2 coursework planning.

The first aspect of this is to interrogate the brief you have been given - you can find the full 2017 MEST2 brief here.

We are working on Brief One - The Little Picturehouse.

Your tasks will be broadcast and print:

(a) Broadcasting
Select one of the following topics as a general inspiration for the film you wish to create:
  • Modern-noir
  • Play!
  • Urban Life
  • Summer
  • The Secret
  • Romance
  • Friendship.
Create approximately 3 minutes of moving image footage as an extract from the proposed film.

For example, you might choose to create:
  • the film's opening to establish genre, character and location;
  • a moment of conflict to show your ability to create emotion/atmosphere/tension/excitement;
  • contrasting scenes with transitions to show how you can create changes in tone and pace;
  • a specific set-piece for example: a family conversation over dinner; a training montage; a chase scene;
  • scenes that create or communicate a specific emotion such as unease, wonder, suspense, surprise etc.

You should identify where the extract would appear within the proposed film.

Your production should demonstrate an understanding of the way film uses camera shots, sound and editing to communicate story and ideas to the audience. Care should be taken when selecting locations, wardrobe, make-up and props. If appropriate, you could use post-production effects.

(b) Print
All entrants have been asked to create pages for a promotional booklet which will demonstrate the variety of local film-making talent and provide information on the shortlisted entries. Each entrant is therefore asked to create their own pages for the booklet. You should create two to three A4 pages. 

You are encouraged to be creative in your approach and try to make your pages distinctive and visually appealing. You should include information about you, your production team and the film itself.

As discussed in class, AQA have given us permission to create four pages of an A5 booklet - e.g. front cover, contents page, double page spread feature.

Your initial task is simple:

Confirm who you will be working with for MEST2.

Read the brief, look over the topics for inspiration and start brainstorming ideas for your short film extract.

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