Monday, January 02, 2017

Happy new year!

Welcome back and happy new year for 2017!

We’ve got an incredibly important term coming up – it’s only 11 weeks to Easter and in that time we will be completing all of our coursework and stepping up our exam preparation.

In your exam lessons, you will be focusing on Section B of the MEST1 exam. This will explore the British film industry and particularly the critically acclaimed 2012 London-based social realist drama Ill Manors from director Ben Drew (better known as Plan B). You’ll be researching and discussing the film in real depth across the print, broadcast and e-media platforms looking at how the film was made, marketed and promoted. Towards Easter, you’ll also be choosing a big-budget British film to research independently to give you the second case study you need for Section B of the exam.

In terms of coursework, this is the term when you will shoot and edit your film as well as photographing and designing the print brief. There’s a lot of work and the time will fly by so make sure you’re organised, committed and as creative as you can be.

What can you do to maximise your grade in AS Media Studies?

Now is the time to really step up your consumption of wider issues and debates in the media. If you want an A grade, you need to be doing the following as a minimum:
  • Keeping up with the Media Guardian to find out the big stories in the media each week – particularly on a Monday.
  • Reading each issue of Media Magazine. Our full archive is available here – the latest issue (MM58) has excellent features on Brexit, streaming and diversity - all incredibly important and relevant topics. 
  • Using our incredible NEW archive of Media Factsheets to revise and increase your knowledge of wider media issues and debates. There are over 100 topics covered, many of them highly relevant to our exam preparation and coursework. They are available on our M: Media Shared drive under Resources > A Level. Make the most of the them! 
We made excellent progress last term and have given ourselves the platform to achieve the very top grades in Media. Now, we need to go out and get them. Good luck!

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