Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ill Manors: film review

Use the planning sheet we worked on in class to write a 500-word review of Ill Manors.

Look at examples of film reviews and make sure you use the key conventions:
  • Name of film, year of release and director
  • Optional star rating
  • Basic introduction to plot and characters - without giving away the ending!
  • Comments on notable elements, strengths or weaknesses
  • Your own views on the film (ideally blended with the point above)
  • A snappy or memorable ending that sums up the film

You can also use film sites to help you - these contain a mixture of user-written reviews and links to professionally written reviews:

These are good for inspiration but DON'T be tempted to plagiarise. It is painfully obvious when someone cuts and pastes work that is not their own - don't even attempt it.

Homework due date: set by your exam class teacher

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