Monday, February 20, 2017

BFI Study Day trip: Thursday 23 February

Our trip to the BFI Study Day on UK Cinema, Audiences and Institutions is on Thursday 23 February

It fits in perfectly with our MEST1 Section B case study on Ill Manors and the UK film industry. More details about the day can be found on the BFI website here.

*Please note there was a typo on the original trip letter stating the trip was on a Tuesday - this is an error and the trip date is confirmed as Thursday 23 February

You will have received a trip briefing in your Year 12 Media lessons this week but it's here if you need an electronic copy

Remember, we are meeting at 10am at BFI Southbank near Waterloo. We need to be registered and seated by 10.15am so it's essential you arrive on time.

Mr Bush and Ms Fowler will be the staff for this trip.

Make the most of the opportunity and enjoy the trip!

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