Thursday, February 09, 2017

Ill Manors print: branding

Another key aspect of the print platform is branding. 

Ill Manors hugely benefited from a strong, urban brand that ran through the promotion of the film, soundtrack and DVD release. This displayed important iconography of the urban drama genre while also offering a glimpse of the social realism that made Ill Manors a powerful and controversial film.

Print platform: branding

Find at least three different print examples (billboard adverts, film posters, DVD packaging etc.) for Ill Manors. Post the images up on your blog and answer the following questions for each text:
  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text (e.g. title, central image, review quotes etc.)?
  2. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
  3. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?

Finish these tasks for homework - due first lesson after half-term.

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