Friday, March 03, 2017

MEST2: video production rough cut deadline

Our Little Picturehouse print work is really taking shape but now it's time to turn our filming into a final three-minute film extract.

Both aspects of the production are marked equally so it's vital both video and print is close to professional standard by the final deadline - 20 April.

Your rough cut deadline means delivering a fully filmed three-minute extract in Premiere Pro (or equivalent if editing at home - exported and brought into school/uploaded to YouTube) for a group tutorial. You will then get a final opportunity to improve the editing before the April deadline.

Rough cut deadline: Monday 13 March

The following week we begin the evaluation for MEST2 - the final 20 marks we need to secure. Remember, you need close to 70 out of 80 if you want a good A grade in MEST2 - the standard is so high.

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