Thursday, September 28, 2017

Film & TV Language: Mise-en-scene video assessment

Your star persona mise-en-scene makeovers were a brilliant introduction to the challenges and creativity demanded by A Level Media.

We will screen a few in class but won't have time to watch them all. Instead, you need to use the blog system to watch others in the class to reflect on your own practical skills and use of mise-en-scene. Complete the following tasks:

Create a new blogpost called 'Star persona video feedback and learner response'. Make sure your completed star persona video is embedded in the blogpost.

1) Watch three videos from the three students below you in the blog list (use the blog links to the side of the Year 12 blog). For each one, write their name, a WWW and EBI highlighting the strengths and weaknesses.

2) Ask the students assessing your work to email you their WWW/EBI feedback and paste it into your LR blogpost. Do you agree with their feedback?

3) Now reflect on your own work. How did your star persona mood board planning help clarify and develop your ideas?

4) Thinking technically, how could you improve your work for future videos? (E.g. filming, editing, sound etc.)

5) Thinking in terms of mise-en-scene, what were the aspects of CLAMPS you used effectively in your video?

6) What aspect of mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) could you have improved or done differently?

7) What have you learned regarding the importance of mise-en-scene to character, narrative and star personas?

8) Finally. thinking conceptually or creatively, how could you improve the content of your video work in future? (E.g. planning, creative concept, timing etc.)

You will have lesson time to do this but will need to finish for homework - due next lesson.

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