Monday, October 02, 2017

Mr Halsey 12E cover work - Monday 2 October

Apologies - I'm not feeling well so won't be in on Monday.

The next key concept we're working on is Genre. There is loads of work to be getting on with using one of our brilliant A Level Media resources - Media Studies Factsheets. You'll find them in our Media Factsheet archive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets. There are over 150 covering many different topics and texts so well worth a look through if you want an A or A* in Media.

For today's work, everything is on the Genre notes and blog task post - there is a lot of theory to learn but read the notes and we'll go through it as a class next lesson. There are plenty of tasks to be getting on with in the meantime.

Any questions, speak to Mr Bush or Ms Fowler who will be around. Apologies again for missing the lesson!

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