Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blade Runner 2049 Film Trip - Details & Homework

The briefing sheet with the map, meeting time/place, contact number, etc. can be found here.

The homework, after watching the film, is to read the following five star reviews...

Blade Runner 2049 review – a gigantic spectacle of pure hallucinatory craziness

Blade Runner 2049 review – a future classic

And to read this article that links the film to wider contexts and the theoretical writings of Baudrillard...

‘I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe’: what Blade Runner 2049’s dystopia tells us about 2017
Also read a selection of the hundreds of reader comments 'below-the-line' after each article. 

Then, for each article, write your own comment in response to each article (minimum of fifty words each) and publish them in a blog post on your Media 2 (coursework) blog, entitled 'Blade Runner 2049 Reviews'. And feel free to post your comments on the actual articles themselves (you'll need to set up an account to do this).

Please complete by Monday 20/11. 

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