Friday, January 12, 2018

Spring term update

We’ve got an important term coming up – it’s only 11 weeks to Easter and in that time we will be completing our introduction to media and studying our first few close study products.

In your exam lessons, you will be completing the MIGRAIN introduction to media by looking at representation and ideology. This will include feminism and collective identity alongside a range of representation theories. After half-term we'll be starting the print industry and focusing on the exam CSPs. 

On the coursework side, you will develop last term's work on film and TV by studying the film industry (CSP - Chicken) and TV drama (CSPs - Capital and Deutschland 83). These are crucial CSPs that will cover a significant number of marks in the final exams.

What can you do to maximise your grade in A Level Media Studies?

Now is the time to really step up your consumption of wider issues and debates in the media. If you want an A grade, you need to be doing the following as a minimum:
  • Keeping up with the Media Guardian to find out the big stories in the media each week – particularly on a Monday.
  • Reading each issue of Media Magazine. Our full archive is available here – the latest issue (MM62) has excellent features on Moonlight, virtual reality, Dunkirk and Love Island - such a wide range of relevant and contemporary topics. 
  • Using our incredible archive of Media Factsheets to revise and increase your knowledge of wider media issues and debates. There are over 100 topics covered, many of them highly relevant to our exam preparation and coursework. They are available on our M: Media Shared drive under Resources > A Level. Make the most of the them! 
We made an excellent start to A Level Media last term and have given ourselves the platform to achieve the very top grades. Keep up the good work!

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