Thursday, March 01, 2018

Snow day - Year 12 Media work

It's been a remarkable week of weather - hopefully you've been following the media coverage!

Fortunately, there is plenty of media work for you to be getting on with at home. If you're not sure what needs doing, this should help.

Year 12 - exam side (Advertising and Marketing)
Here you need to make sure you've completed all the work for Advertising and Marketing so far. Check you've got the following completed and posted to your blog:

1) Introduction: narrative in advertising
2) Advertising: persuasive techniques
3) Advertising: the representation of women in advertising

You would have had lesson time on Friday to complete the extensive work on women in advertising but due to the snow this won't be possible. Instead, you'll need to complete this at home - due on Monday.

Year 12 - coursework side (TV Drama - Capital)
There's plenty for you to be getting on with here. Make sure you've completed everything you should have so far for TV Drama and Capital:

1) TV: Introduction to TV drama
2) TV: Capital case study
3) TV: Capital episodes 2 &3 (watch the rest of the series and summarise it)
4) TV: Capital representations (type up your notes from the lesson and write about stereotypes)
5) TV: Capital representation essay question 

Good luck with this work and enjoy the snow!

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