Monday, May 14, 2018

Magazines: Men's Health CSP analysis

We have produced a comprehensive booklet to help you analyse the pages of Men's Health that make up the first Magazine CSP.

However, it is important you also have an electronic copy of these notes and quotes to help remember key details and assist with revision for future exams. 

In addition, the booklet document is here if you need access to it for revision and currently you can read the whole of Men's Health Jan/Feb 2017 (the CSP issue) on this website. It's definitely worth reading more of the CSP issue to get a feel for the Men's Health audience, brand and representations contained within it.

Men's Health analysis: blog task

Create a blogpost called 'Men's Health CSP analysis' and complete the following tasks.

1) Write a one-paragraph summary of your notes for each key concept from the booklet:

Media Language (e.g. conventions, narrative, genre etc.)

Media Industries (e.g. Hearst Communications)

Media Audiences (e.g. demographics, psychographics, pleasures)

Media Representations (e.g. masculinity)

2) Identify three specific aspects/conventions (e.g. cover line, colour scheme, text, image etc.) from each page of the CSP that you could refer to in a future exam. Explain why that particular aspect of the CSP is important - think about connotations, representations, audience pleasures, reception theory etc.

Front cover: Vin Diesel

Editor's Letter and contents page

Feature: True Grit - 'The Marathon Man'

3) Type up three media theories that you think are particularly relevant to analysing Men's Health and explain why they are significant:

4) Type up three quotes from the booklet that you think are particularly useful for analysing Men's Health and explain why they are significant:

Complete for homework - due next Monday.


  1. delivrance
    I read your articles very excellent and the i agree our all points because all is very good information provided this through in the post.
