Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Film & TV Language: Cinematography clip analysis

We have watched some excellent, creative videos showcasing your work on camera shots, angles and movement.

However, due to recent trips we have not managed to analyse all of the clips for cinematography. Complete the tasks below to finish this aspect of the course:

Cinematography: final blog tasks

Create a new blogpost on your Media 2 coursework blog called 'Cinematography final blog tasks'. Then, while logged in to a school computer, go to the Media Shared drive > A Level > Resources > Film and TV Language and watch the clips in the Cinematography folder.

1) Using your printed booklet (an electronic copy is available in the folder above) watch any of the clips you haven't seen in class for Cinematography. Complete the tasks in the booklet in full paragraphs for each clip.

Due: Wednesday 5 December

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