Sunday, January 06, 2019

Year 12: Welcome back!

Welcome to the Spring term in A Level Media Studies!

You covered a LOT of work last term on both sides of the course - everything from practical filmmaking to how major media conglomerates maintain their power over the cultural industries. We need to make sure we're starting this new term with everything completed from the Autumn and so will be carrying out blog and folder checks on Friday to ensure everything is up-to-date.

What do you need to bring in for Friday's lesson?

You need to bring in your A Level Media ring-binder or equivalent with all your course details, CSP list, notes and marked assessment. The front sheet can then be signed off for the Spring term.

What do you need on your blog?

You need to make sure you have completed indexes for BOTH sides of the course from last term. This means:

An updated MIGRAIN Introduction to Media index with 17 pieces of work linked.

A completed Film & TV Language index with 11 pieces of work linked.

What are we working on this half-term?

On the exam side, we'll be completing our Introduction to A Level Media by looking at representation, feminism and ideology.

For the coursework side, we'll be getting straight into our first exam CSP - studying the micro-budget film Chicken to cover the Film industry.

Remember, we strongly recommend you get hold of the two A Level Media textbooks to help guide you through the course. You should also follow the department on Twitter, read Media Magazine regularly and take an interest in the news and wider media debates if you want to achieve a top grade in the subject.

If you attend all your lessons and complete five hours of homework per week, you WILL succeed in A Level Media! Keep up the good work!

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