Sunday, May 12, 2019

BFI Study Day: follow-up work

The BFI Study Day on critical theory was a brilliant opportunity to develop our knowledge and understanding of media theorists.

We covered a lot of ground from gender to semiotics and postmodern theory. Complete the following tasks on your Media 1 Exam blog to follow up our work from the study day:

1) Type up your notes from the day.

2) Write a one-sentence summary of the ideas of the theorists Matthew Daintrey-Hall covered (you can use your notes from task 1 here if relevant):

bell hooks:

Liesbet van Zoonen:

Judith Butler:



Stuart Hall:



3) Choose one of the films we saw extracts from and watch the whole movie: Captain Fantastic (2016), Pulp Fiction (1994) or Inception (2010). Write a 300 word analysis of your chosen film using theories from the study day (use the exam paragraph structure we were shown on the day - theory introduction, examples from text, why this 'proves' or 'disproves' the theory).

Due: Friday 24 May 

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