Sunday, April 19, 2020

Summer Term: Welcome back

We hope you had a good Easter break despite the lockdown and welcome you back to (online) school for the new term.

We don't know when we'll be back to school - rumours range from three weeks to September and I imagine it will end up somewhere in between. We'll keep posting the work on the blog as usual and ask you to continue checking your school email every day and as ever just let us know if you have any issues or questions.

I've also done a video update/lesson to get us started for the Summer term. It's not something I've done before (as I'm afraid you'll be able to tell!) but hopefully it's helpful to talk you through what we're planning to cover over the next half-term:

As ever, keep in touch with us over email and make sure you're getting the blogwork done each week. Other than that, stay safe, stay at home and best wishes to you and and your family.

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