Sunday, June 21, 2020

End of Year 1 exams: revision and preparation

Your End of Year 1 exams will be very unusual this year - on your blog at home rather than in an exam hall. 

Of course, this isn't ideal but with a two-year linear course it is absolutely vital that we are revising topics regularly so you are confident you know the whole course when you sit the final exams next summer.

We'll have full details of how these exams will work next week but for now you need to revise all the terminology, theory and Close-Study Products you have learned in Year 12. 

Know your exams

One of the most important aspects of preparing for examinations is knowing exactly what topics could come up in each exam. For your A Level Media exams, your Year 12 content will come up in the following places:

Paper 1 Section A: Language and Representation

Paper 1 Section B: Audience and Industry

Paper 2: in-depth topic areas

In addition to the above, there will be further media topics we learn in Year 13 - Online, social and participatory media, Videogames and Newspapers. These will not come up in your Year 12 exam.

How to revise

Revision is a very personal thing and everyone has different techniques. If you have a system that worked for you at GCSE then stick with it. If you don't have a system, I strongly recommend using flash cards (they are often called record cards if you are trying to buy them online or in WHSmiths). The simple act of distilling topics into a few key words or phrases to put on the card will seriously help in remembering the key information in the final exams. 

In summary, you need to revise the following:
  • All media language and theory learned throughout the course so far - look back particularly at the extended MIGRAIN Introduction to Media unit as this contained a lot of key terminology and theory e.g. genre, narrative, industry theory, gender theory etc.
  • All our CSPs and associated theory - and focus in on the areas YOU ideally want to write about it next year's exams e.g. politics or postmodernism for TV, gender theory or independent publishing for Magazines, Gilroy and double consciousness in Music Video etc.
Due: next Monday

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