Wednesday, July 01, 2020

End of Year 12 assessment

Your final task in Year 12 is an end-of-year assessment on your blog.

Usually, we would be doing this assessment as a formal exam in the Hall with the result counting towards your UCAS predicted grade. With schools still largely closed, we can't run formal exams so have instead decided to run this as an 'open book' assessment. This means you don't have a time pressure and can use all the resources you like while you answer the questions. To help you even more, I've also produced a 'walk and talk' video for each question going through how long you'd have to answer it in a real exam and breaking down what the question is asking you to do.

You can complete this assessment on paper or typed on your blog - it is up to you. However, you must answer all seven questions and you must submit the work on your blog. If you write out responses on paper you must take pictures and post them to your blog. Here's a short video introducing the idea behind this assessment:

Your assessment will be marked but it won't be given marks and a grading. This is because it is an open-book assessment and not in exam conditions. However, the quality of your answers will be considered when calculating your UCAS predicted grade along with the Year 13 Baseline Assessment in September.

The deadline to post your answers to your blog is Monday 13 July.

Year 12 Assessment questions

Paper 1 Section A

1) Analyse the Close Study Product Score hair cream advert using narrative theory including Todorov. [9 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

2) “Postmodernity is said to be a culture of fragmentary sensations, eclectic nostalgia, disposable simulacra, and promiscuous superficiality.” – Jean Baudrillard

To what extent can your music video Close Study Products be described as postmodern? [20 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

Paper 1 Section B

3) Identify three strategies used to promote Chicken to an audience. Explain a reason for each strategy. Each of the reasons must be different. [6 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

4) How do regulatory contexts shape the output of media industries? You should refer to your film industry Close Study Product, Chicken. [9 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

5) How useful are media effects theories in evaluating the success of media products? Refer to your Radio Close Study Products, Life Hacks and War of the Worlds, in your answer. [20 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

Paper 2

1) Liesbet van Zoonen suggests that gender is constructed through media language and that these constructions reflect social contexts. 

How far does an analysis of Men’s Health and Oh Comely support this argument? [25 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

2) “Television dramas reflect the social and cultural contexts of their production.”

To what extent does an analysis of your television Close Study Products support this view? [25 marks]

Walk and talk video guide:

Remember - all answers need to be posted to your blog but this can be pictures of written work. Good luck!

Year 12 Assessment due date: Monday 13 July

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