Thursday, July 15, 2021

Year 12: Remote learning

It seems grimly appropriate that we end this hugely disrupted year back in isolation and remote learning.

I hope you are all keeping well and for the majority the isolation is just a precaution. The good news is that for Media students all the work is already up on the blog and we know what we're doing. For Friday's lessons you can simply get on with the work we've set you:

Magazine final index: post your final index for the Magazines unit and make sure all the tasks for Magazines are finished and posted to your blog.

Radio final index: post your final index for the Radio unit and make sure all the tasks for Radio are finished and posted to your blog.

Summer project 2021: this is the start of our coursework - we launched it in the lesson on Monday. Even if you missed that lesson, everything you need is on that blogpost including the AQA brief, the guidance document we've put together and all the tasks for your blog that you need to complete over the summer.

Alongside the main Summer project blogpost, you can find additional clips, links and suggestions in these posts:

Summer project deadline: first week back in September

1 comment:

  1. Zayna Khan Media 2 Exam Mr Halsey -
