Friday, April 28, 2023

TV: Final index

We have completed excellent in-depth studies of Capital and Deutschland 83 alongside important work on political and postmodern theories as well as industry contexts.

We now need to create an index to ensure we haven't missed any vital notes or tasks. As you know, keeping an index of all your work is extremely good practice from a revision perspective. This keeps the vital CSP information fresh in your mind and also highlights if you've missed anything for any reason. 

TV index: Capital & Deutschland 83

Your TV index should include the following:

1) Introduction to TV Drama
2) Capital: CSP case study and analysis
3) Capital: Marxism and Hegemony
4) Deutschland 83: CSP case study and analysis
5) Postmodernism and Deutschland 83
6) TV: Industry contexts

For your index, it needs to link to YOUR corresponding blogpost so you can access your work and revision notes quickly and easily. This also means you if you have missed anything you can now catch up with the work/notes and won't underperform in the upcoming assessment and end of Year 12 exam due to gaps in your knowledge.

Due date: on Google Classroom

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