Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Y12 Media exam: Paper 2 Learner response

Media Paper 2 gave you the opportunity to practice two key skills for next year's exams - analysing an unseen text and writing a 25-mark essay. 

Both of these are tricky and the only way to get better is through experience. Even if this exam didn't go completely to plan you will have learned a huge amount about the way these questions are structured and the kind of preparation you'll need to do next year. 

Y12 exam - Media Paper 2: Learner response

Create a new blogpost on your Media Coursework blog called 'Media Paper 2 learner response' and work through the following tasks:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). 

2) Read the mark scheme for this exam carefully, paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. Firstly, focus on the unseen question and identify two aspects of the poster that you could have written about in your answer.

3) Look at the indicative content for Q1 again and make a note of any theories or examples of media terminology you could have used in your answer.

4) Now focus on the TV 25-marker. Read this exemplar response for the TV question and pick out three arguments, phrases or theories from the essay that you could use in a future question on Capital and Deutschland 83.

5) Finally, identify three things you need to revise for Media Paper 2 before your next assessment or mock exam.

You will need to complete this for homework - due date on Google Classroom.

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