Monday, October 15, 2007


To be completed over the course of the next week (by Friday 19-10).

Your responses will be used to help write your Interim Reports and help us to plan a better course for you.

Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Do this work on paper and hand in to your main Media teacher.

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of Media folder
  • Oral contributions in class
b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.


Write an evaluation of the actual course/teaching.
Please submit the work as a comment on this blog after this post. Include your name!

a. Answer each of the following with a grade (1-5), giving reasons/examples:

(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • How well is the course organised?
  • How interesting is the content that is covered?
  • How useful are the handouts?
  • Have the lessons been well-paced?
  • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
  • How well has the course met your expectations?
  • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club)
  • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three things you like and help you to learn (www) and three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved (ebi).


  1. How well is the course organised? : 3
    It seems fine but we don’t exactly know the full details of what we’re doing.

    How interesting is the content that is covered? : 1
    I find it very interesting because we’re studying topics which are very recent and related us.

    How useful are the handouts? : 1
    Very useful because I can always refer back to them and they are easy to understand.

    Have the lessons been well-paced? : 2
    Not really, because I would have liked more double lessons, or more lessons towards the morning.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? : 3
    It’s all right for now, but more practical work, fun power-points would be interesting. There hasn’t really been an insight to teacher’s knowledge yet.

    How well has the course met your expectations? : 2
    Not well because I was under the impression that we were able to work with anyone for our final productions but have been told that we can’t. Also I thought that that there will be a lot more practical work.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club): 2
    I feel that they have been useful but it’s not fair that they have been made compulsory. Some people have very important things to do. It’s good that we’re able to consume a variety of different texts which will give us a bigger advantage over other schools that can’t.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? : 3
    Not really because it hasn’t had enough information for us for this year yet.

    What went well? (WWW)
    1. Trip to the cinema
    2. Watching Bullet Boy
    3. Different texts we get to analyse

    Even better if (EBI)
    1. More trips
    2. Were able to do some independent learning – go off to LRC to do own work
    3. Were able to chose who we works with

    Rosanne James 12C

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How well is the course organised? : 2
    It’s organised well, we got told in the first week what the course was about and what we would be doing, but it wasn’t very clear.

    How interesting is the content that is covered? : 1
    It is interesting to me because we are learning about things that would actually appeal to us, for example our age group is the target audience for “bullet boy” which we are watching and analysing.

    How useful are the handouts? : 1
    I find the handouts useful because I can always look back at them if I don’t know something or to help me with remembering the work we do.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? : 2
    The teachers seem to know what they are talking about but they could present it in a more fun way instead of just talking to the class.

    How well has the course met your expectations? : 2
    The course didn’t really meet my expectations as I thought it would be similar to GCSE media which it is not.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club): 1
    They are very useful because you get an insight on other people’s work which is helpful, it is also good that the film club has been made compulsory however it is time consuming as we have other work to do.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? : 2
    Yea it’s really good because we get to see other people’s work, however the information needs to be updated.

    What went well? (WWW)
    1. Watching clips of films and advertisements.
    2. The trip to the cinema to watch Little Miss Sunshine.
    3. Watching Bullet Boy in class.

    Even better if (EBI)
    1. There are more clips and presentations.
    2. There is less homework due to Film Club.
    3. We are able to work in groups.

    Simmrenjeet Hayer 12G

  4. How well is the course organised?
    2 the organistation of the course is good, the class is being tought in stages so we get a better underdstanding of what were doing.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?
    3 content is good but i feel that the lessons are missing something.

    How useful are the handouts?
    1 all the handouts help with the work and they are easy to understand.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?
    3 its not bad but i don't like double lessons because concerntration doesnt last that long.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
    2 both teachers have knowledge and understanding of the course, they both proivde useful information that willhelp get good grades.

    How well has the course met your expectations?
    3 i thought the course would have more practical work but so far it has just been sitting in class room work.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful?
    3 trips have been good, could have more trips that are more fun, but the extra curricular activity planned for this year sounds good as it is going to give ghs students a advantage over other schools.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    3 the blog has been good but i have only been on it 3 times.

    What went well? (WWW)
    1. trip to the cinema
    2. watching Bullet Boy
    3. learning about different shots that wasnt included in gcse

    Even better if (EBI)
    1. could do practical production with peope from other classes.
    2. more trips

    Faizul Awal 12F
    bless up x

  5. How well is the course organised? 2/3
    When we first started the media course we got told what we were going to be doing throughout the year. However, we did not get told the information in full details.

    How interesting is the content that is covered? 1
    It is very interesting because we have started to look at the media which we are interested in. Such as watching films and analysing them.

    How useful are the handouts? 1
    I find the handouts very useful and they help me a lot with my work. When we get work set, we can just look back at the handouts that we have been given and they help us to answer questions.

    Have the lessons been well-paced? 2/3
    I enjoy Media but I do not enjoy having double lessons because there too long. However when we do have double lessons this allows us to have time to watch and analyse films.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 2
    The teachers teach the class in a good way but we could have more practical and group work to keep it interesting. We could learn in other ways instead of the teachers just talking to us to give us the information.

    How well has the course met your expectations? 2
    The course is alright but I thought it would be more like last year and that you get to do more group work. But it’s different and we just sit in class and do work instead.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (e.g. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club) 1
    Yes they have been very useful, we get extra help and knowledge on how to do our own work and what is expected to get good grades. By attending trips this is allowing us to learn in another way instead of staying at school all the time. It is very interesting as well.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 2
    Yes the Macguffin Blog has been useful but I haven’t used it a lot and by looking at other peoples work on the site we get to see how we have to do our own. It helps us a lot when it comes to us doing the same work.

    What went well? (WWW)
    •The trip to watch Little Miss Sunshine
    •Watching clips of films in lesson
    •Watching advertisement clips

    Even better if (EBI)
    •Being able to do more group/practical work
    •More trips
    •Being able to choose who we work with

    Nafisa Bhatti

  6. How well is the course organised: 2
    its looks all intact but theres a long way to go.

    How interesting is the content that is covered: 1
    i find it good becasue i studied this in year 10 and 11 and aswell with mr bush so by this, im learning advanced knowledge this year

    How useful are the handouts: 3
    i dont wanna lie lol but i do find them very useful but i do tend to lose them lolol

    Have the lessons been well-paced: 1
    yes because i have media mondays, weds and fridays so i get a break in between to rest because media is long but its useful.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? : 1
    its excellent, i been a student of mr bush since year 10 and he has really taught me well and had always been a helping hand and he has good media knowledge and because of him i was successful in media at gcse. i hope i can follow this in A Level. i dont really know anything about Ms Jones but she seems to have good knowledge as she is the head lol

    How well has the course met your expectations? 2
    very well as i knew this would be hard work and i know how the course works because ive done it before.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? 1
    yes the media awards was very helpful as it gave me many ideas for my practical production and my aim is to win the best media production as i feel i have the knowledge from gcse for this.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 1
    ive always been a fan of macguffin, i still managed to find my radio production from year 11 lol some funny stuff. but its helpful as it gives tips 4 exams and homework deadlines.

    What went well? (WWW)
    1.cinema trip
    2. media awards
    3. new terminology which wasnt learnt on gcse

    Even better if (EBI)
    1. more homework
    2. more coursework
    3. more commitment

    Nabil Q 12F

  7. how well is the course organised? - 2
    i reakon its organised quite well due to the fact that film club and trips are already occuring which help us alot.

    how interesting is the content that is covered? - 2

    I believe the content we have covered is quite interesting because it is quite new and is targed to audiences of our age.

    how useful are the handouts? - 1

    they have helped me out through most of my h/w's and have helped me to gain alot of knowledge about a-level media studies.

    have the lessons been well placed? - 3

    i dont like having double lessons. this is because i tend to get quite tired and bored during any double lessons. i believe a small break is needed within the 50 minute periods.

    what is the standard of the teachers knowledge? - 2

    the teachers appear to have a wide knowledge about media studies and i have learnt quite alot from them.

    how well has the course met your expectations? - 2

    i expected to have alot of h/w set, however i did not expect to have the trips which are scheduled. i think having trips is a great way to learn while having fun.

    have the extra curricular events been useful - 3

    the trip was very useful as it was entertaining. although i attended the media awards slightly late, i gained many idea's for my upcoming practical production so that was very useful. film club was not useful for me at all. this is because i got rather bored and lost concentration.

    has the maguffin blog been useful? - 2

    it has been very useful, as it contains many of the trailers from last yr which i can watch when ever i wish to gain ideas. it also lets me see the opinions of my peers.

    WWW- trips
    - media awards
    - watching films during lessons and analysing them.

    EBI- more trips
    - film club not being compulsary

    Rajan Sembi 12b

  8. how well is the course organised? i think it is a 2. this is beacuse it is very clear and direct on what whey have to do and what the eepectations are.

    how interesting is the content that is covered?
    i think it is a 1 as i feel as if i can relate to the context as it is such a relevant one to people today.

    how useful are the handouts?
    i think this is a 1. this is because they are full of easy simple points that we need to know, nothing extra has been added to them.

    have the lessons been well-paced?
    i think this is also a 1 because when the lesson is over, i dont need to refer back to the teacher as i gathered and understood all the information given to me.

    what is the standard of the teachers presentation/subject knowledge?
    i think this is a 2. i think the teacher uses loads of powerpoint presentations which make the lesson different and intresting. however i think they could be more practical as we are mainly identifying certain aspects from scenes of films.

    how well has the course met your expectations?
    i think this is a 3 as i didnt think it would be much written work. however this is only the first term so i think we will be getting into our practical productions soon.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club)
    i think this is 1 as i have learnt many things from the trips and film club. also the media awards was a great experince as it gave me many ideas of what i want my media production to include.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    i think this is a 3 because there is not much information about this year. however previous productions have helped me to understand what expectations teachers are looking for.

    what went well? (www)
    1. looking depper into films.
    2. the connotations of symbols, objectives etc.
    3. going to the cinema as a trip.

    even better if? (ebi)
    1. if teachers would give us less homework.
    2. if we were able to choose who we work with when doing our media productions.
    3. more trips

    Avinash Masih 12F

  9. How well is the course organised? : 5
    Its shit

    How interesting is the content that is covered? : 5
    I find it very interesting because we’re studying topics which are very recent and related us.

    How useful are the handouts? : 1
    Very useful because I can always refer back to them and they are easy to understand.

    Have the lessons been well-paced? : 5
    Not really, because I would have liked more double lessons, or more lessons towards the morning.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? : 5
    It’s all right for now, but more practical work, fun power-points would be interesting. There hasn’t really been an insight to teacher’s knowledge yet.

    How well has the course met your expectations? : 2
    Not well because I was under the impression that we were able to work with anyone for our final productions but have been told that we can’t. Also I thought that that there will be a lot more practical work.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club): 2
    I feel that they have been useful but it’s not fair that they have been made compulsory. Some people have very important things to do. It’s good that we’re able to consume a variety of different texts which will give us a bigger advantage over other schools that can’t.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? : 3
    Not really because it hasn’t had enough information for us for this year yet.

    What went well? (WWW)
    1. Trip to the cinema
    2. Watching Bullet Boy
    3. Different texts we get to analyse

    anonymous x x x
    Even better if (EBI)
    1. More trips
    2. Were able to do some independent learning – go off to LRC to do own work
    3. Were able to chose who we works with

  10. How well is the course organised?
    2 - it is quite organized in terms of the work, i.e. when it comes to worksheets and other types of similar work then it is excellent, however when it comes to more practical work there is no grade to give as we haven't really done any yet.

    How Interesting is the content that is covered? 2 - the intersets of the work is great in some ways because it appeals to me, the teachers are using things that appeal to me in order to motivate me to work, however we sometimes get work that dosen't really interest us.

    How useful are the handouts? 3 - Most of the handouts given to us are very useful, yet sometimes we do recieve some handouts that could really be discussed in class rather than just given to us on a piece of paper.

    Have the lessons been well-placed? 1 - yes, no problems there.

    What is the standard of the teachers' presentation/subject knowledge? 2 - All of the teachers that I have met for the media course have a wide area of knowledge for the media department, yet there are still somethings that they do not know which is bad, because the students rely on them to get there knowledge, however it is also a good way of having a group discussion as another student might have this knowledge. However I think that the teachers need to use other methods in which to teach there student, like having lessons outside where you can use camera's and discover the types of shots, something like that.

    How well has the course met your expectations? 2 - It has done quite well so far, but I thought that we were going to get straight into our practical productions or other work that is of the same importance, to get it over and done with.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards eve, trips, film club) 2 - They have in some ways been useful as they inspire you to do things in the media world, however they don't really show you how to do these types of things that you seen in the film, so that is what the teachers should teach us in lessons (also).

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 4 - Not really as it only helps the people who have regular access to the internet, so it limits the audience that see it.

    What went well? (www)
    1. Trips
    2. Some of the methods of teaching (eg. watching of bullet boy)

    Even better if? (ebi)
    1. more trips to different places of the media
    2. if you were able to work with people in different classes for some types of work..

  11. Course evaluation

    How well is the course organised?-2
    The organisation of this course is good so far as we have had a outline of what the course will include. Also we have been told what we will be doing for the following lessons so we are aware of what they expect from us.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?-2
    It is interesting as we are watching and analysing film that our age group can relate to such as “bullet boy.
    How useful are the handouts? - 1
    The handout are very useful as I can relate back to them when I am doing my work at home, I us them as a guide line when I have difficulties with my homework.

    Have the lessons been well-paced?-2
    No as I feel I do not benefit from the double lessons as I tend to get tired quickly therefore i feel I do not concentrate as much. However this means we can watch and analysis movie such as “bullet boy”

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?-1
    Both teachers understand the course and make sure that we understand it as well. Also power point presentations are used so we can benefit from them.

    How well has the course met your expectations?–2
    I did not expect there to be so much written work, but hopefully next year when we make our practical productions it will be more fun.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (E.g. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club-2
    I has been good as we have an insight into what we will have to do for our practical productions.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?-1
    This website is very useful to me as I can check my homework on here instead of having to refer to my contacts diary.

    - Watching Bullet Boy
    - Going cinema
    - Media awards

    - Get to choose our groups for our practical productions.
    - Worked in groups.
    - More trips

  12. How well is the course organised?:2
    I think its fine but can improve

    How interesting is the content that is covered? :1
    The things were studying for example 'Bullet Boy' appeal to us so we find it more interesting

    Have the lesons been well-paced?:1
    I do because i don't have a problem with the pace of the lessons

    how useful are the hanouts?:1
    Very useful because if i get stuck i canlook back at them

    What is the standard of the teachers presentation?subject knowledge?:2
    I think its good but we need to things thst will grab our attention like more practicle work

    How well has the course met your expectations?2
    Its good and i'm enjoying it but there should be more up lifting things to do.

    Have the exrta-curricular events been useful?:1
    Yes because the things like media awards has helped me get an idea of what i should do for my final production and what the standards are

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?:3
    not really only a little not much information on our year

    What Went Well?
    1.watching bullet boy
    2.trip to cinema awards

    Even Better If
    1.more practicle work
    2.more trips
    3.More independant learning (go to LCR room)


  13. How well is the course organised? : 2
    I think the course is organised well. As we were informed about what we would be studying throughout the course in the first lesson, but it can be improved.

    How interesting is the content that is covered?:1
    The content that is being covered is very interesting. This is because the film that we are studying and analysing "Bullet Boy" is drawn to us and appeals to our age group. So we would find the film enjoyable and not boring.

    Have the lessons been well-paced? :1
    Yes, the lessons have been paced very well.

    How useful are the handouts? :1
    The hand outs are very helpful and useful. As students can always refer back to them when they are stuck or do not understand what to do.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? : 2
    I think the standards of teaching presentations and subject knowledge is great but we need more practical activities to grab our attention and to make us feel motivated in our work.

    How well has the course met your expectations? :2
    It is great so far and i am really enjoying the course but i would have thought we would be doing more practical work than written.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club): 1
    Yes because events such as the Media Awards have been very useful and helpful as by watching those videos it gives us ideas and what is expected from us when we produce our film productions.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? :1
    Yes it is useful as it explains what we need to do when it comes to our exams and we can check our homework to see what we have to do and when it's due in for.

    What Went Well?
    1.) Trip to Little Miss Sunshine.
    2.) Watching Bullet Boy.
    3.) Media Awards.

    Even Better If:
    1.) More practical work
    2.) More Trips.
    3.) More group work.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. • How well is the course organised? 3 – I think that the course is very fast paced at the moment, we have covered all the Media Language and MIGRAIN analysis’ within a short space of time, but then again, my understanding is different to others as I have never done media before. Also, we haven’t been briefed on what will happen properly during the course e.g. syllabuses.
    • How interesting is the content that is covered? 1 - Very, I like watching the film clips and movies e.g. Bullet Boy.
    • How useful are the handouts? 2 – They have helped me a lot whilst doing homework.
    • Have the lessons been well-paced? 2 – We have been learning too much too quickly
    • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 2 – They all know what they are doing and have given help when asked.
    • How well has the course met your expectations? 2 – I am enjoying the course a lot, I am just not as good at it as I thought I would be.
    • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club) 1 – The awards eve was very useful as we now know what standard is expected and what we should expect later on.
    • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 3 – Honestly, I haven’t really used it.
    • The teachers and the way they make you feel confident in talking to them e.g. relaxed atmosphere.
    • The handouts, always give guidance when teachers aren’t around.
    • The trips, awards eve etc.

    • More different types of media were covered.
    • We were shown examples of work e.g. MIGRAIN analysis’.
    • We was given syllabuses on what will be happening throughout the rest of the year.

    Latisha Sharma 12B

  16. How well is the course organised?: 2
    The course is well organised as we was informed about what we will be doing during the course on the first day.

    How intresting is the content that is coverd?:1
    i think its quite intresting because we are watching film clips and analysing them and also the film we are watching now appeals to our age group.

    How useful are the handouts?:1
    i find the handouts very useful because if i find something difficult then i can look at the handouts

    Have the lessons been well-paced?:2
    yh the lessons have been paced out well

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?: 2
    I think the standard of the teachers’ presentation and subject knowledge is good and they are aware of what they're talking about however it would be better if there was more practicle work

    How well has the course met your expectations?2
    its good and i enjoy media, but we get alot of writen work.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club):1
    yea becuase we can get ideas as to what we could do for our practical productions.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?3
    yh becuase it has last years production on it so we can refer to them but i havent been on it alot

    1.Going to cinema
    2.Watching Bullet boy
    3.Media awards

    1.More trips
    2.Group work
    3.Practicle work

  17. Hardeep, 12Y

    How well is this course organised? : 2
    We got told what the course would be about, but could have been in more detail.

    How interesting is the content that is covered? : 1
    The work that we are currently doing is interesting and enjoyable, because it is targeted towards us. Such as watching films and analysing.

    How useful are the handouts? : 2
    The handouts are useful, but they can be explained clearly so we can understand the work better.

    Have the lessons been well paced? : 1
    The lessons have been well paced, because even though we have double lessons they are not with the same teacher, so the work is different.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? : 2
    The teachers are explaining the work, by using PowerPoint presentations, which are making the lessons fun and enjoyable, however can be more practical.

    How well has the course met your expectations? : 1
    Yes, this is because I have done it for GCSE, and understand the hard work that has to be put into it. I also expected a lot of homework, and not many trips, but we have had some, which is fun.

    Have the extra-curricular events been enjoyable? : 1
    The awards evening was useful and enjoyable, because we learned a lot from the previous students. The trip to the cinema was fun, because we watched a film we would not normally watch, which was interesting. The film club was also fun, but was really long, however the film was interesting.

    Has the Macguffin website been useful? : 2
    Yes, because we can see previous work, which has helped us, but the year 12 section has not been updated yet.
    -The trips
    -Film Club
    -Media Awards
    -More Trips
    -Individual Studying in LRC
    -More Practical Work

  18. How well is the course organised? 2/3
    The course is organised well. When we first started the media course we were told that what we will be doing throughout the year, but that did not include the full information in detail.

    How interesting is the content that is covered? 2
    It is very interesting, as during our lessons we are waching movies and analysing them. At the moment we have watched bullet boy and have started analysing the movie.

    How useful are the handouts? 2
    They are very useful. They help us in doing our work, answering questions and are also easy to understand.

    Have the lessons been well-paced? 3
    Yes, they have been placed well. We have single lessons with Mrs. Stevens nearly every day which is good as it helps us to concentrate in every lesson. As in doubles concentration doesnt last for long.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? 2
    Both the teachers have knowledge and understanding which provides us useful information. There is some practical work going on in the class like groups working together and having quizes which is good.

    How well has the course met your expectations? 3
    The course is alright, we work in groups during lessons. Mostly we just sit in class and do our work.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club) 1
    Yes, they have been very useful, trips help us to learn in another way rather then staying at school. We Could have more trips that are more fun.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? 2
    I have been on the macguffin blog only a few times, from what i have seen it is very good because you can get to see other people's work and get ideas on how to do your work if you are stuck on any problem.

    What went well? (WWW)
    Trip to the cinema for watching Little Miss Sunshine.
    Watching Bullet Boy in class.
    Watching other clips of movies.

    Even better if (EBI)
    Had more trips.
    Work with other class students.


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. How well is the course organised?
    Quite well

    How interesting is the content
    that is covered?
    Good seeing as we analyse films such as bullet boy which some of us can relate to a certain extent.

    How useful are the handouts?
    They seem detailed however i need to start using itmbnvy
    Have the lessons been well-paced?
    Yes, they have been relevant to what we are learning/analysing.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?

    How well has the course met your expectations?
    Quite well as its not MUCH of a headache

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club)
    Yes gives us more of a social side of the media

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    Never used it, however seems good as im using it now

  21. How well is the course organised?
    The course is very well organised, we were given pack outlining the entire course over the two years. 2

    How interesting is the content that is covered?
    The content is very is engaging and lets me get involved. 2

    How useful are the handouts?
    I have found the handouts very useful when I have found something in lesson difficult. 1

    Have the lessons been well-paced?
    Yes, they are going well enough that you don't fall behind and it is easy to catch up if you miss a lesson. 2

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
    Very knownledgable. 2

    How well has the course met your expectations?

    Better than I thought it'd be. 1

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club)
    Yes, they have shown and given me ideas about what the years before have done. 2

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
    Yes. 3

    Attainment: (2)
    I’ve been to every lesson I could possibly attend when I wasn’t ill.

    Effort (2)
    I’ve made a lot of effort in making sure my work is to the highest standards, although I could make more effort while I’m at home getting better while work is being sent to me.

    Punctuality (1)
    I’m always on time to lesson and sometimes 5 minutes before the lesson even starts!

    Submission and quality of homework (2)
    Always submitted and completed to the highest possible standards.

    Ability to work independently (1)
    Never a problem, I’m able to work independently and complete independent research on particular topics.

    Quality of writing (2)
    I use all the accurate media terminology when completing my work, however I could further develop and include more media terminology. I also make sure that I include full grammar and little-to-none spelling errors.

    Organisation of Media folder (2)
    My media is in an organised state however the work needs to be typed up to make sure that I have a backup of my work and that I’m able to read it clearly when revising from it.

    Oral contributions in class (1)
    I contribute to class both in presentations including on how to set up a blog and on my theories on why certain things take place and how they are represented through the use of media language.

    How well is the course organised? (2)
    It would be better if we could have more work covered during lesson time and hopefully expanding the teaching of it so we learn more. Overall its great right now but could be improved in course organisation.

    How interesting is the content that is covered? (2)
    I would like to see the quality of the content that is covered to be increased, but increased so that our knowledge is expanded ‘outside-the-box’.

    How useful are the handouts? (2)
    The handouts help us to learn more about what is being taught – they are especially helpful when I have missed lessons and haven’t been well, so that I don’t fall too far behind.

    Have the lessons been well-paced? (3)
    I would prefer it if the lessons pace would be increased, but slightly so that we can cover more topics in less time – however I DO NOT want to feel that the lesson has been rushed – I need to make sure that what is being taught is actually learnt.

    What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? (1)
    Mrs Stevens knows exactly how to detail the lessons and educate us with her specialist subject language of media. Mrs Stevens’s presentations are very well presented to us the class, however lessons could be taught in the future on how to use video and audio software such as Adobe Premiere.

    How well has the course met your expectations? (2)
    I would like to dive straight into the practical productions – however I understand the need of developing media language, terminology, representation and general media audiences before a practical production can be undertaken – otherwise the production itself will likely fail.

    Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve., Trips, Film Club) (2)
    Yes, they have provided insight on what to include in my own productions and general creative ideas for future purposes, without film club and awards evening our creativity and imagination would be limited to what we have previously seen. The trips themselves could be improved to be directly and specifically related to AS Media Studies on things that we could learn.

    Has the Macguffin Blog been useful? (2)
    Not as much as it could be, if more information was put on the blog related to media studies then this would help – a specific A Level media studies website would be a major help especially with lots of free hosting websites out there I don’t see why this can’t be done and I’d be more than happy to help out.

    WWW – What Went Well
    I have improved and expanded my knowledge of media terminology.
    Learning new camera angles and shots that weren’t taught at GCSE level.
    Attending ‘Media Awards 2007’ – helped influence ideas on what to include in own Media Production for A Level.

    EBI – Even Better If
    More Media related trips
    If Producers and Directors could actually attend trips or come into school for speeches.
    Able to include partners from other A Level Media classes
    An A Level media studies website rather than a blog.
