Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Practical Production Blog Setup

Each Practical Production group needs to set up a group blog by Monday 21-01-07...quite straightforward, especially as you have all set up personal blogs. You may do this all together or one of your group can set up the account and then email you the username and password. Don't tell anyone else your password! This is the third time that we have done this for Module 3 and last year we found that it was beneficial in a number of ways. We expect this to help you too because...

It will be a place where your group can suggest ideas, make decisions and plan actions.
As a result you will be clearer about what needs to be done - how and when.
You will receive comments and feedback about your work in progress from other groups.
Over time it will serve as on online record of your achievements (as a group and as an individual).
This will be monitored by your teachers & will ensure you are rewarded fairly when it comes to assessment.
It will be helpful to refer back to when writing your evaluation (for the examiner).

Once the blog is set up you each have four tasks to complete and submit as separate posts on your blog before the deadline...
A short outline of your project (base this on what you said in your brief).
An entry that summarises the work that both you and your group have completed so far.
Information about the research that you have done and the ideas it has given you.
A plan for what you'll be doing over the next week.

Remember - every individual in the group must make their own separate posts. Also, make sure you include your name at the end of each one so you can be identified. And, crucially, make sure that one person in the group posts up the blog web address and project working title at the end of this message so that a quick link to it can be added on this page.You will be required individually to add to this on a weekly basis, to cover the following...
outlining the work planned and equipment to be used;
reporting on what was achieved;
reflecting on the outcome and whether it was different from what was planned and why.

It will also be good to see photos and stills from your shoot and production as it starts to take shape. The whole thing should eventually look like a big online scrapbook of your project that will culminate in the finished piece - uploaded and streamed into people's homes via the internet. Of course there will be credits, commendations and perhaps even prizes for the most committed and interesting bloggers.
Also, check out the Med 3 Blogs from last year (06-07) that you can get to via the links on the sidebar to the left. Some of them are superb and will be a real source of inspiration, we're sure.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. http://a-piece-of-cake-trailer.blogspot.com/


  3. http://underdogs2008.blogspot.com/

    Rosanne, Vipesh, Avneet and Maninder

  4. http://arappersambition.blogspot.com/


  5. http://simnazraj.blogspot.com/


  6. http://gangcrime123.blogspot.com/

    Ramone Faizul Moe
