Monday, January 21, 2008

Exemplar Med 1 Paragraph

This will be useful for all of you working on your Med 1 analysis of 'The Guardian' front page (due on Fri 25-01 for 12c2). it contains lots of Key Concepts (see if you can spot G-M-M-R-A-M-N-A-IN-G-A-Id-G-Id) and good 'concept flow'...
As is the convention amongst both tabloids and broadsheets, there is a banner at the top of the text, promoting what’s inside one of the sections of the newspaper. Containing four different images representing key news stories of the past year, this feature entices the audience to look inside. A close up of a child’s cuddly toy is first, creating an enigma perhaps but relevant to a professional yet family-minded middle-class audience. When we realise the toy belongs to Madeline McCann we see that it refers to one of the biggest global news stories of the year – a human interest drama that appealed to a wide cross-section of society but was condemned because of some of the speculative reporting, particularly in the ‘Red Tops’. However, it is unlikely that 'The Guardian' will take this approach, instead focussing more on the intricacies of the police investigation rather than the gossip and rumour that appeared in papers like ‘The Sun’.

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