Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12C1 COVER Wed 12.11.08 p6

Stay in the classroom throughout the not leave!

Task - Peer Assessment of Trailer Analyses

Select three trailer analyses that you all did for homework and that are up on your blogs (the most recent ones, in essay format on the Year 12 productions).  

Read them carefully and then carry out an evaluation of each one, just like we did in Monday's lesson for Kiran's. You need to cover at least three www and one ebi. These need to be posted onto their blogs in the comments section, after their analysis.  

Then choose one paragraph for each and re-write it (three paragraphs in total), improving on it by...
  • adding more detail
  • making the spelling/punctuation more accurate, 
  • writing more clearly, 
  • using more media terminology
  • including other missing key concepts or aspects of media language
These re-written paragraphs need to go on your own blogs.  Include a link to the original blog (and say whose it is) so we can compare fully the two versions but also cut and paste the original paragraph after yours in your blog posting so we can be sure you have made some aactual improvements.

Anything not completed in the lesson needs to be done for homework by tomorrow, Thursday 13.11.08, p1.