Thursday, November 06, 2008

12C1 HW - Trailer Analysis #3

You've already analysed a teen movie trailer and one of last year's practical production trailers (and these should be on your blogs...catch up if they're not!)

Next...analyse another
student-produced trailer from last year (for Monday 10.11), covering all the areas you did before (including the points you looked at on the worksheet you were given to analyse trailers on last Monday's lesson). This time, though, it must be written in essay format...look at Sadoon's as a good starting point, although this could be longer. It also needs to cover the new aspects of Media Language you've been learning about this week, so try to include the following terminology where possible...
Types of shot (BCU, CU, MS, LS, high/low angle)
Movements (pan, zoom, tilt, tracking, crane)
Diegetic (story sound, e.g. dialogue)
Non-diegetic (sound-track, voiceover)
Cut, dissolve, fade in/out, wipe. Pace?
Lighting (high/low key)
Actors' (expressions, body language)
Title - connotations?
Narrative - enigmas?
Genre - iconography?

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