Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Channel 4 Work Experience Opportunity for 14-19 year olds

Interested in working in the media? Then find out more with Channel 4's work experience programme. Check out the details from their 4 Talent website below or visit it yourself at http://c4talent.illumina.co.uk/index.shtml for more details.

This is the first step in the talent pipeline. This year Channel 4 are offering 80+ work experience placements in London to help students find out more about working in the media industry. The majority of our placements will be within Channel 4, though we are collaborating with independent production partners to increase the opportunities.

Placements are usually for one or two weeks, within one or two departments and offer a variety of learning experiences across a wide range of areas from finance to website design.
Who's it aimed at and what are we looking for?

This scheme is for 14 - 19 year olds who are motivated, enthusiastic, passionate and hungry to learn about what it's like to work in the media. Just as important though, we look for people who are keen to get stuck into whatever needs to be done. People who aren't afraid of a bit of hard work! And we'll want applicants to show these qualities right from the application stage.

How to apply?
We are working with Education Business Partnerships (EBPs) who will provide full information to schools across London. It starts with two open days: one in January and one in April 2009. Each open day can take up to 150 students and will help them get a taste of what it's all about.
PDF download: April application form

Placements are limited and run on specific dates throughout the year so please check out our recruitment timelines before contacting us. Then what? To begin with, the experience and skills that you build with us will make a positive impact on your education. We also encourage you to keep a look out on the 4talent website to see what other schemes could be right for you - like Inspiration Week and the Generation Next Programme.

Camila - Work Experience placements in Creative Services and Marketing
"It was definitely busy, but I enjoyed the opportunities I was given and I was allowed to try different things. I would like to work in advertising even more now and this has definitely helped my career choices. Thank you very much for the opportunity, I loved it and learnt a lot about the industry and work environment."

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