Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cross Media Study Half-Term Homework Year 12

Prepare a presentation on the first film in your case study. You need to address the following:

1. Textual Analysis – a content study of semiotic, narrative & generic codes and how these are used to create meaning in the text.

2. Representations (construction & reception) – stereotypes/ archetypes (consider contextual factors & textual/ narrative restrictions).

3. Promotion (within and across media e.g. -ad campaigns, sponsorship, product placement, merchandising, trailers, internet, newspapers, magazine & radio, gaming, mobile ringtones etc.)

4. Institution – who produced it and how this affects the text, distribution/ sponsorship / convergence, technologies used.

5. Target audience – primary and secondary audience (if applicable), how they consume the text, when and where they consume the text (consider downloads/DVD releases/ PSP’s etc). Differences in types of audience and how this affects reception across different media platforms (i.e. younger end more e-media focused, older more newspaper & TV focused) and their reception. Preferred/ negotiated and oppositional readings if applicable and other audience theories that can be applied to the text. Themes and values of the text.

Remember interim 2 is due for completion the end of the first week back and this will contribute to your grade.

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