Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cover Work 12D1 Miss Holliday P1 & 2 Friday 24th April

  1. Sign a paper register and leave this with the English office please.
  2. Go to DF10 (computer room next to Mr Bush's office). You need to ensure that you STAY in DF10 throughout the double period. I have asked Mr Bush to look in on you.
  3. During P1 you should be using the notes you made on key concepts and theories that can be applied to your practical produciton and begin writing a draft evaluation. Please ensure that you are linking your points back to the requirements of The Brief. (Copy available on VLE if you have lost your own).
  4. During Period 2, using the Evaluation Mark Scheme, you should undertake a peer assessment of the evaluation. Make sure you are critical about your partner's work and give constructive feedback (EBI's).
If you do not already have a copy of the Evaluation Mark Scheme please go to yr12 section of the VLE (make sure you use the tabs across the top going from left towards the middle of the page) then click on the menu column on the left 'shared documents'. The document is stored here and you will be able to print off a copy. Similarly a copy of the brief is also on the VLE.

Homework: Complete a typed, first draft of the evaluation (1,500 words) for Wednesday 29th. You must print this out before the lesson. Work not handed in during the lesson will NOT be marked.

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