Monday, May 11, 2009

Cover Work, 12C1, Period 1, Mon 11.05.09

STAY IN DF07...Don't leave until it's time for Ms Holiday's lesson.

MEST 1 Exam Practice
Media Forms: How does the extract follow the codes and convention of a music video?
(Analyse the media language used and compare to other examples in the genre).

Media Audiences: What techniques does the music video use to appeal to a tween/teen audience? 

Media Institutions: What does this text tell us about the media institutions involved? 
(Carry out some brief research on Island Records, and consider also the current state of the music industry).

Media Representation: How are the performers represented in this music video?

Start writing your 15 minute responses for each question.  This must be completed for homework and handed in on Wednesday's lesson...failure to do so will mean you staying late after school!

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