Sunday, October 31, 2010

12C Media Ownership Research Task for 1/11/10 and 2/11/10 and HW

Read the Media Ownership Sheet

1. Media texts are profit motivated. Consider this in the light of TV news. What issues does this raise?

2. Which media companies do you think could be accused of having too much power and control in our society?

Task: First answer the 2 questions above in as much detail as possible on your blog. Then research the following 5 media institutions and post all your findings to your blog. Use pictures to illustrate your findings. Then create a 10 minute powerpoint presentation summarising your findings for all 5 institutions (2 minutes on each institution). Be ready to present to the class. All work is due on your blog by 4/11/10.

· Time Warner

· News Corporation

· Viacom

· Sony

· Vivendi

Find out:

· Which brands/products are owned by these 5 media institutions?

· Which media platforms (print, broadcasting, e-media) do the brands/products operate on?

· Which products is the media institution currently developing/promoting?

· Which alliances/mergers is the institution currently involved in? Why?

· What profits did the institution make in 2009? What this more or less than usual? Why?

· Who owns Fox News, Sky News and CNN News?

· As a result of your research, do you think it is important to have a public service broadcaster like the BBC to provide news? Why/Why not?

· Write a paragraph answering the following question: ‘Do you think media ownership should be regulated? Why/why not?’

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