Monday, November 01, 2010

12B Film Homework: Due before Thurs Nov 11 (VAN)

Part A:
 What film genres are the most popular at present? Why do you think this is? (Consider technology, social & economic context)
 What genres do you think were popular back in the 1930’s and 1940’s? Why? Give examples and show evidence of research

Part B:
 Select a film produced by Twentieth Century Fox for exhibition in the UK (
 Research the many different ways it is brought to the attention of an audience through the use of other media companies associated with Fox and News Corporation. Remember, bad publicity is often as useful as good publicity.
 Also consider what additional tie-ins are used to promote the film, for example, links with fast-food chains, toy companies, mobile phone companies and/ or computer game manufacturers.
Make a poster or a multi-media presentation about your findings to present to the class. Either email it to Ms VDS or bring it on your USB - do not come to class wihtout it on USB or having emailed it BEFOREHAND. (Do not ask to log on in the lesson)

DUE: All answers to questions due on your blog before class on Thurs Nov 11th and the PowerPoint or poster should be brought to class on paper (if doing a poster) or emailed to Ms VDS or brought on USB (if doing a multi-media presentation)

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