Monday, November 22, 2010

12B Cover Work Thurs 2nd & Friday Dec 3rd (VAN) Due Fri Dec 3

Thursday Dec 2:
Case Study
Begin researching your area of interest for the Case Study. Write initial notes about your 3 primary texts and create a brainstorm or mind-map showing how these 3 texts cover all three platforms - eMedia, Print and Broadcast. What "branches" do each of these have?

Friday Dec 3:
Textual Analysis:
View the attached trailer (New Moon) several times then answer the following questions on your blog. I will be checking your blogs over the weekend of Dec 4&5 so make sure it is done during the lesson time we would normally have: (Paste it into a new browser page)

What techniques does this trailer use to persuade an audience to see the film?
How is gender represented in this trailer?
What target audience would be attracted to this film?
What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer?

Write in full sentences and paragraphs (not notes and/or bullet points) Aim to write 300 words on each question.

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