Monday, November 22, 2010

12B Homework GHD Textual Analayis Questions Due Wed Dec 1st (VAN)

Based on the discussion in lesson on Friday November 26th, write up your answers to the following questions for the GHD Textual Analysis: (sentences and paragraphs, NOT notes or bullet points). Post your answers on your blog.

GHD Straighteners – broadcast end of Nov/beginning of Dec on E4 and E4+1 channels.
1. Codes & Conventions of advertising: What techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to purchase GHD straighteners?
2. Representation: How is gender represented in the ad?
3. Media Institution: What issues of regulation and censorship does this ad raise and what does it tell us about the values of the channels on which it was broadcast?
4. Audience: On the basis of this ad, who does the GHD brand appeal to?

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