Monday, January 17, 2011

12C - Case Study HW - Due 24/1/11

For each of your 3 primary case study texts answer the following questions in detail on your blog. You will need to carry out more detailed research to answer these questions effectively. In particular, make sure you find out as much institutional information as possible.

How do audiences access texts across the three platforms?
• Do the texts enable different types of audience activity and/or interaction?
• Are audiences able to play a role in the construction of media texts? (UGC)
• Are there differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platforms?

What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?
• How are institutions reacting to change in technology?
• How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?
• What economic issues are behind the construction and distribution of contemporary media texts?

Due on your blog: 24/1/11

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