Monday, January 17, 2011

12B Production HW - Due 24/1/11

Ensure your Production Intentions (1000 words) are posted to your blog - make sure you refer to the following:
Key Concepts (MIGRAIN)
Film Language (camera, sound, mise-en-scene, editing)
Narrative Theory (Propp, Todorov, Levis Strauss - Binary Opposition)
Audience - Demographics (gender, socio-economic group, age, ethnicity); Psychograhics (Young and Rubicam)
Representation (dominant/alternative ideology, sterotypes, gender, ethnicity)

Write a textual analysis of 2 trailers for low-budget independent films with similar codes and conventions to your film. Apply MIGRAIN to the trailers and explain how they target their audiences.

Complete your storyboard

Ensure all you research and planning so far is posted to your blog

Due 24/1/11

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