Monday, November 26, 2012

12D - Preliminary exercise evaluation

I have been incredibly impressed watching you work on your Preliminary Exercises - excellent dedication to filmmaking. I'm also pleased that you've learned so much, a lot of which you simply can't pick up until you start shooting and editing. Continuity editing, the importance of close-ups and the 180 degree rule were just some of the key learning points of the last fortnight.

We will be screening our preliminary exercises in class. Following that, you need to write a detailed evaluation of your group's Preliminary Exercise, focusing on the following:
  • Clear reference to the brief, your planning process, how your storyboard and shot list helped create the final product and what you would do differently next time in terms of pre-production
  • Detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your film
  • Confident use of media language, particularly film language, showing clear understanding of the key concepts of Media Studies
Your evaluation should be an absolute minimum of 500 words and be posted to your blog no later than Thursday 6 December.

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