Friday, November 23, 2012

12E Media Theory Assessment (Tues 27th Nov)

You will pitch an idea for your own new teen drama under exam conditions, providing an outline of the opening episode.

You will analyse and justify your choices of narrative, setting and character to show how and why this appeals to the target audience (teens).

You will be expected to apply and analyse the theories we have studied:

Todorov – 3 Part Structure
Barthes – Action and Enigma Codes
Levi Strauss – Binary Opposites
Propp – Character Types

Stereotypes – Written, Symbolic and Technical Codes
Amplification – Construction & Contrast
Theories – Reflective, Intentional, Constructionist

Socio-economic audience demographics
Psychographics and the 4 C's
See the pg 62 in the AQA text book for specific info on teen audiences.

This assessment will test how much theory you have learned and whether you can apply it effectively. You should prepare for this assessment and it will count towards your overall interim.

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