Thursday, January 31, 2013

12E - Final Ill Manors/Plan B Case Study Project

You must now use all of your research (done in class and on your blog) to construct your own Ill Manors/Plan B case study. 
  • You should now create either a PPT or a Prezzi that collates your case study research.
  • Below is a list of research tasks from AQA - we have completed these in class together and you will find most of it on your blog.
  • There is also a table below showing the types of media texts, from all 3 platforms, that you must analyse and investigate for your case study. These must be included in your PPT or Prezzi as evidence to support your case study findings.
  • It is up to you how you organise your slides and evidence but make sure it is a useful document for you to refer to when revising for your MEST 1 exam.
  • You will have until TUESDAY 12th FEBRUARY to complete your case study (at home and in lesson time) and POST IT ON YOUR BLOG. On that Tuesday we will PEER ASSESS each others case studies to provide each other with advice on how to improve.
  • This will then become your exemplar case study. From this you must then investigate and construct your own case study, on a topic of your choice (we'll discuss this in more detail later on).
  • If any of this is unclear please come and see me and I'll be happy to explain in more detail and help you get started.
  • Don't forget to use each others' blogs - between us we have a wealth of ideas and analysis so make good use of it!
See below for guidance from the AQA. You could also borrow a text book for more advice on how to go about your case study (see me for a text book).

We have looked at these as a class and you will have evidence of this on your blog. Remember you must conduct your case study with the key concepts in mind (F.A.I.R) and across the 3 platforms (Broadcast, Print and E-Media).
Find an example of each of these media texts from each column and include them in your presentation as evidence to support your case study investigation.

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