Monday, February 04, 2013

12E Front Cover 1st Draft HW

Due Monday 11/02, individually:
  • Research film/television magazine front cover images on Google images
  • Take a series of at least ten main cover images for your magazine (use a DSLR) in different poses, expressions, angles, costumes, makeup, lighting, etc.
  • Upload them all onto your blog
  • Analyse them (consider framing, composition, mise en scene: CLAMPS etc.) ranking them in order of the most effective and explaining why
  • Create a Photoshop first draft of your front cover and post onto your blog
  • Use miseenmedia (tutorials in Jan 2013), the VLE tutorials (studentshare-student IT share-photoshop), Mr Babu, Mandeep, Akshay, etc. for help
In addition to this you should also be working on your group video productions: 
  • The storyboards, shot lists, and all other documentation should have been completed and uploaded onto your blogs
  • You should have written a progress report (for last week) and action plan (for this week)
  • The shoot should be underway - make sure you keep a close record of everything that happens when you're filming (still images, etc.) and upload onto your blog
  • The filming deadline in half term - that's just two weeks away! 

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