Monday, February 03, 2014

12E: Ill Manors research task

Complete the following research questions to further develop our in-depth study of Ill Manors. Some of this will be building on work you have already done.

1) Research all the Institutions involved in the production of Ill Manors. List them with a summary of what their contribution to the film was.

2) How much did Ill Manors cost to produce (its budget)?

3) How was Ill Manors funded?

4) What is the target audience for Ill Manors?

5) Who is the main distributor of Ill Manors?

6) How was Ill Manors promoted using the broadcast platform?

7) Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?

8) How does the trailer for Ill Manors hook audiences into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer (Barthes: enigma codes)? Identify 3 ways/techniques. Use your notes on the trailer to help.

9) How does the trailer for Ill Manors balance plot and spectacle?

10) Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18 certificate). Research film certification and outline what is deemed acceptable for this certificate. What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?

This is homework but you WILL have next Monday's double lesson to finish this off.

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