Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Laurie Penny lecture - this Thursday

The Laurie Penny lecture has been re-scheduled for this Thursday lunchtime (6 Feb). You will be sent an invitation so you can leave your Period 4 lesson at 12pm to get lunch prior to the 12.15pm start in the Lecture Theatre.

The school is incredibly lucky to have such a high profile guest speaker coming in and as you know we are making it compulsory for all A Level Media students to attend.

Laurie Penny is a journalist, feminist and prolific user of new and digital technology to challenge widely held viewpoints in the mainstream media. She will provide a perfect introduction to two major topics for Year 13 - New and Digital Media and Feminism/the representation of women in modern media.

We will be taking a register of all Year 12 Media students so see you there!

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