Monday, December 15, 2014

End of unit task: Introduction to Media Index

To finish off our Introduction to Media unit you need to create an index of ALL your MIGRAIN Introduction to Media tasks from the last 14 weeks. This will be hugely useful for revision for the upcoming January assessment, February mock exams AND the real MEST1 exam in May.

Use the MIGRAIN Powerpoint to help you (and to revise).

It should follow a clear format:

Date > Key concept > Title of work as a link to blogpost


September 2014 > Media Language > Media consumption task

September 2014 > Media Language > Reading an image 50 Cent analysis

October 2014 > Narrative > Narrative theory clip analysis

November 2014 > Audience > Uses and Gratifications blog task

At the end of the index, check that you’ve covered all 7 key concepts:

Media Language
Genre (note: largely covered in Film Language unit)

Complete this index for homework this week if you don't finish it in the lesson.

If you have missed any of the key concepts, you can access the blog archive down the left-hand side of the main Year 12 Media Macguffin blog. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure you have covered all the course concepts prior to sitting the final exam.

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