Sunday, January 04, 2015

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to A Level Media - we hope you had a brilliant holiday and are refreshed and ready for a very busy term ahead.

You'll be making your two-minute TV opening scenes, carrying out a professional photoshoot for your print work then designing a magazine front cover and two-page inside spread on Adobe Photoshop. Throw in a 1,500 word evaluation and that's plenty to do in a short, sharp 12-week term.

On the exam side, you'll be doing an in-depth case study on the blistering low-budget British urban film Ill Manors as part of your work studying the wider film industry. We've got a brilliant conference at the BFI on the British film industry coming up in a few weeks' time and you'll also be doing an in-depth independent case study on a big-budget Hollywood film of your choice.

Remember: you've got a MEST1 Section A assessment on Friday so make sure you are revising EVERYTHING you've learned in Media so far.

There's an A grade waiting for you if you're willing to put the work in - good luck!

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